Saturday, April 12, 2014

Our Miracle

Yes, I'm pregnant again!  Yes, it's with TWINS!!!!  I'm due Nov.11. They are identical twins. No, twins do not run in my family- so this is VERY shocking! Fyi, only fraternal twins are hereditary; not identical. Yes, we will be finding out the gender and will let you know soon after.

So I thought I'd share with you all our drama with the twins, and why I asked for lots of prayers this week.

We had our sonogram last Thursday and discovered we were having twins! As it was starting to set in, the OB came in and started giving us the grim news. The twins were mono/mono twins. Which means they shared the same placenta and same egg sac. In this case, the umbilical cords get very tangled and there is a 50% chance of losing one or both twins.  If they make it to 24wks (age of viability,) I would be hospitalized and put on 24/7 monitoring.  If they make it to 33wks (longer would be too risky) then they would be delivered with a probable month long NICU stay. Whew.  I was terrified.  That was why I reached out for prayers.

Goodness, did God deliver! With a slim possibility of a membrane being late to form, or a higher tech machine being more equipped to find a separating membrane, we were sent to a specialist. On Tuesday we saw the specialist, and a membrane was found!!!!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!  So they are now mono/di twins. One placenta, two egg sacs. Which also makes them identical twins.  The specialist says she considers me a low risk case. The umbilical cords are even so far apart on the placenta that twin/twin transfusion syndrome will be a low risk.

Thank you all for your prayers! I'm so excited about this journey we are on- it's going to be a roller coaster- but oh so fun! I'm closing out with a song my Mother reminded me of, and it's just perfect:

 Before My Birthday

Underneath my Mother's heart
waiting for nativity,
I never was so tiny, but what God's eyes could see.
And long before my ears could hear,
He called me by my name
there, in the darkness He watched me grow
watched His creation, for long before my birthday
God was celebrating me -
He knows the very moment when my life came to be.
And from the time He gave me life
He watched me tenderly
For, long before my birthday 
God was loving me!