VBAC is vaginal birth after cesarean. This delivery will be a VBAC because Maddie was breech and after attemping an ECV (external cephalic version) her heart rate dropped to 50 and she had to be yanked out quickly (3 mins)- the epidural barely had time to take ;) So I was originally told that to avoid uterine rupture I had to have this baby before 40 weeks because that was the rule. Well..... this baby is not cooperating. I then started asking questions:
"Will I be able to have a VBAC for the next child?"
"no, after 2 C-secs you cannot have a vaginal birth"
"How many C-secs are you allowed?"
"3 usually, if you space them out we can squeeze in 1 more but then more than 4 will be very dangerous to you and the baby"
OK, for those of you who don't know, Jake and I practice natural family planning- so spacing out and limiting to 4 kids is a great suggestion, but not a promise I can make. Therefore, this baby HAS TO BE VBAC!!!!
Conclusion: I refused the C-sec scheduled for Monday the 15th, had it rescheduled for Monday the 22nd. The baby will then be 41 weeks and 3 days. Hopefully that will give her time to come, but honestly if she waits longer than I will be forced to refuse the next c-sec as well. If the office kicks me out I may be having a HBAC (home birth after c-sec) hahaha *nervous laugh*
Here are some great research articles on the 0.1% increased chance of uterine rupture if waiting past 40 weeks for VBAC:
So many prayers are needed here- the longer you wait for VBAC the less successful it is. Please pray she will come soon!