Wow, what a week! I'm still recovering and cleaning the house from all the stickiness. Just when I think I got it all, I reach for that one door knob I missed, or move a couch pillow and get a mess of sticky. I'm still finding candy wrappers in the wash after each load of clothes too. But honestly, it was all worth it!
Madelynn was a fairy this year, which varied each night depending on her mood and what she found that day for her costume. Annabelle was a little pumpkin, which varied depending on what was clean (or barf stain that needed to be hidden.)

On Tuesday, we went to the YMCA fall festival. There were lots of games there, it was really crowded. Madelynn got to practice waiting in line for her turn. She at first got mad because she couldn't just walk up and play the game, but after explaining sharing with her I think she got the idea. Then she had to realize that when she had her turn it was just one turn, and not 3 hours of personal time with the fun helpers (who give candy!) Her favorite games were the ring toss on the dinosaur and the bean bag toss. She really loved picking an item from the candy bucket. After getting a lollipop from the first bucket (which stayed in her mouth the entire time) she picked a pumpkin straw, bracelet, bubbles and a few other small items for prizes after the other games (which really surprised me considering her sweet tooth.)

On Thursday, Maddie and Mommy went to the Kroger fall festival. I can just imagine when Maddie becomes a teenager "my mom's so lame, she took me to the grocery store for trick or treating." Bwahahaha! They actually had it really nice there, and we could play the games without waiting in long lines. They had bowling (with a frozen turkey for the ball, and empty 2 liters for the pins), ring toss, and bean bag toss. The candy was a lot nicer there too. Madelynn loved seeing all the cashiers dressed up.

On Friday was the Mckinney 'Scare in the Square' event. Every shop owner in the downtown Mckinney was dressed up and passing out candy. Jake and I were definitely not prepared for the crowd it drew. The entire square was basically just one long line. The line slowly moved from shop to shop as the kids got more and more anxious and sticky. We decided to go to about 3 different shops, visit the firemen, and just look around. Madelynn kept a lollipop in her mouth the whole time- AGAIN! Finally she decided it was easier to talk around the lollipop, rather than remove it from her mouth while talking. Surprisingly she became very skilled at this- though the usage of this skill in the real world has yet to appear. Ventrilaquist perhaps? Maybe dentist..... ;P Annie loves the outdoors! She was so good, just looking around; watching everybody around her. She didn't start crying until we put her in the car to leave.

On Saturday, Halloween night, Mommy had to work so Daddy and the girls passed out candy to everyone. Jake says Maddie loved seeing everyone all dressed up and said "hi" to everyone who came to the door. When I got home, they were having a great time. Madelynn had 3 (that I saw at that time) lollipops open. One in each hand, and kept putting one down after some licks and picking up the third to lick for a while. We made sure to do some thorough teeth brushing that night ;P

You may think that her hair is just be a mess; but if you look closely, all of that hair is actually stuck like glue to her face. That's what a 2 yr old and ten (that's Jake's rough estimate) lollipops look like after running around the house for several hours on a sugar high. Some of you may be able to relate: candy turnes to cement after a few hours in the hair. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to get it all out! This may be how the mullet was invented.
We all had an absolute blast for Halloween! I can't wait for Christmas! It gets more and more fun to share the holidays with the girls as they get older. Having children definitely keeps you young!
Wow! Busy, busy, busy! Annie looks so cute in her Pumpkin outfit and the picture with the two of them looking at each other is adorable!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I love the pictures! Both the girls costumes are really cute! I second with Stella...one of my favorites was them looking at each other. I loved reading about your weekend!